Monday, September 8, 2008

Revit Workshare, Post 1

I have noticed Worksharing is an area that many people are looking for information on in Revit. I have decided to do a series of post to revolve around worksharing, in Revit.

First we need to understand the need or concept of worksharing. Revit project files typically consist of an entire plan set and model for a particular discipline. Instead of breaking the drawings down into multiple files we work with one file. Just like many other softwares this can be an issue when multiple people need to access the file and make changes simultaneously. Revit developed the Workshare concept to resolve this issue.

I have had several people ask me where do I find the command workshare. Workshare is not a command in Revit it is process. Here is a basic outline of the process;

1. The process of work share starts from a basic Revit Project file.
2. You enable or create worksets.
3. Finally save the file, this will create a central file, workshare is setup
4. Loacl copies can be made at this time.

At this point workshare is setup and ready go. I want to look at this process a little more indepth on my next post.