Friday, February 12, 2010

Converting AutoCAD Details to Revit

I have been working on a process to quickly and efficiently convert our detail libraries to Revit. I have come across several ideas and methods. This concept is based on bring AutoCAD entities into Revit to become Revit based line work and text.

1. Clean up AutoCAD files
2. Get rid of hatch patterns, hatches bring allot of extra junk into Revit
3. Explode everything, blocks from AutoCAD become junk in Revit.
4. Ensure all your multiple lines of text are MText (use Express Tools to convert)
5. Create Line Styles in Revit for Company Standards (pen weights, line tpyes, colors)
6. Use AutoCAD's Layer Translator command to convert Layers (If the AutoCAD layer is an "Exact" match to a line style in Revit it will not create an extra Line Style)
7. Purge file, till clean. Also try -PU, and option R to purge Registered Apps.
8. Import file to Revit (Not your project, a junk file), explode (full) the import.
9. Use Window Select and Filter to clean up miscellaneous objects
10. Add Regions (Hatches) and Leaders to Text as needed.
11. Copy Detail from the Junk Project to your project or to a detail library (this will leave behind all the extra AutoCAD junk in the Junk file.)

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