Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Revit Structure 2010 and RAM Steel Link

If you have been looking for the RAM Steel/Revit Link for the 2010 products, you have probably been getting the same story. "It is being test it will be ready soon", "Within the next month" and so on. Well, they still have not released one "the latest word is March of 2010". Just in time for the Revit 2011 releases.

Well I have found out that RAM does have a prerelease version of the Revit 2010 link. You must contact RAM "Bentley" directly. It is a little tricky, 1st the basic install then replacing some files. Also, there is still no 64bit option for RAM or its Link.

1 comment:

Matt Brown said...

Just wanted to let you know that that the RISA-Revit 2011 link will be out later this month, and it includes 64-bit functionality (as it did for 2010).