Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Workshare in 2009

Revit users, are you on subscription? If you are on subscription, Revit has a new tool for monitoring worksharing in 2009. The Workshare monitor is avalible to suscription users to display instant inforation on project team members in the current project.

Have you ever wanted to know quickly; who was in the project, is my local copy up to date, when is my save to central going to finish, has my request to borrow elements been granted? The new Worksharing monitor does just that. Once you are ready start sharing projects in your office and you are subscrption member, you can go out to the Autodesk customer subscripton web page and download and install this exernal tool. Once installed you can open a Revit project, and select Tools menu -> External Tools -> Workshare Monitor.
The Workshare monitor will displays notifications when editing requests are made by other team members. When a user saves to the central file, a progress bar displays. A list of other users also displays, showing when they have last saved to central.

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